Talking Therapies - Feedback Form

Date of birth*
Terms and Conditions

We would like you to fill in this short questionnaire and give us permission to use your feedback to help us improve the quality of the service you get from Talking Therapies.

You are not obliged to fill in this questionnaire and your care will not be affected if you decide not to. If you do fill it in, you can change your mind later and ask us to arrange to have the information deleted from our records. The information you give will be kept by Talking Therapies. It will be used by NHS commissioners and managers who are responsible for providing and managing this service. It will also be reported to a central national system that helps the Department of Health monitor standards of care and decide how IAPT services should be funded by understanding what patients think about them. All the information you give will be kept securely and handled accordance with the Data Protection Act. Your name and personal details are automatically removed when data is reported centrally.

Completing the questionnaire.

For each question, please select the box that is closest to your views by clicking in the boxes. Don't worry if you make a mistake or change your mind just select the other box

Assessment Patient Experience Questionnaire.

Please help us to improve our service by answering some questions about the service you have so far received. We are interested in your honest opinions, whether they are positive or negative. Please answer all of the questions, we also welcome your comments and suggestions.

If you answered yes please provide your contact details below

Friends and Family Feedback

We value what you think about the services we provide. Your feedback can help to shape how we care for patients in the future. Please take a few moments to complete this questionnaire. We would like you to think about your recent experience within our service/ward.

Copyright © Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 2024